Monday, December 29, 2008

And So It Began...

Right off the bat I feel I must confess: I'm stealing someone else's idea. I was reading a friend's blog today and the thought suddenly struck me,"Hey...I like to write...I have things to say...I need an outlet...I should keep a blog!" And so here I am.

The next challenge of course was deciding what to write about. And I know I don't have to have one set thing to write about but if you know me you know how scatter brained I can be. SO if I don't come into this with a plan it's going to sparkle and fade into the internet ether almost as fast as I became inspired to do it.

And I've decided I'm going to write about the funny things that seem to happen to me that make me laugh inside. Those things that so often happen and you immediately want to tell someone about them. It makes me think of a funny story my blogging friend told me. Something absurd was happening and as soon as it was done her friend turned to her and said "I couldn't wait for that to be over so we could talk about it!" (Ok've probably guessed that my blogging friend is you by now). This blog will be dedicated to moments just like that.

So to kick it off, a story from earlier this year that lead me to select my chosen theme. This is going to be mildly embarrassing but all of this blog business is at least in part to keep me from taking myself too seriously.

My mother, sister, and I were out on a shopping trip to Clinton Crossing down in Clinton, CT. We had been walking around for some time and while we were in the Old Navy outlet I decided I needed to find a restroom. So I did find said restroom in that Old Navy store and, after knocking and finding the door unlocked, I did as any normal human being would and opened it. Inside, to my surprise, was a tiny girl sitting on the toilet who couldn't have been more than 3 or 4. In that awkward split second when the realization sets in that you've walked in on a perfect stranger while they're on the toilet this tiny girl made a small squeaking noise that was something like a stifled scream - a nasal "EEEE!!!" Horrified I quickly closed the door muttering various oh-I'm-so-sorries and began to walk away when it occurred to me that I hadn't seen any form of parental unit anywhere in the near vicinity. Huh. Interesting how some people feel it's safe to allow their kids to use a public restroom completely by themselves.

But this isn't where the story ends. Oh no. After recounting the above events to my mom and sister we set off to find another bathroom. We found a larger ladies room not far off in the shopping complex with multiple stalls. Of course, as in any public restroom, some of the toilets were plugged up and far too disgusting to use and the distinct smell of human feces hung in the I quickly went into the nearest clean-looking stall so I could just get in and get out as quickly as possible. I closed the door, locked it, and began to...uh...remove my trousers when I suddenly noticed that the bathroom stall door was not, in fact, closed. Once again horrified I exclaimed something along the lines of "HOLY SHIT!" and quickly slammed the door shut. Very VERY luckily no one actually saw me in my state of undress.

Upon exiting the bathroom and telling my mom and sister who were both then crying with laughter, I shook my head and sighed "I swear...sometimes I can hear God laughing at me."


  1. Welcome (back?) to the blog world! I'm so glad I'll now have a way to get to know you better in some way other than our semi-irregular book club meetings.

  2. Ha ha ha! Yay I have a reader! Yea I had investigated Blogger a little before for a class in college but never actually had my own blog. I had a LiveJournal at that point so I figured blogging would just be redundant. I'm going to try to keep up with it as best I can...I'm aiming to write at least once a week. Something entertaining is bound to happen on a weekly basis!

  3. YAY! Audrey's blogging! I'm going to add you to my list on my blog. And now I'm laughing all over again at my Fourth of July adventure...
