Sunday, January 31, 2010

I Stink...Big Time

It has been several months since I've blogged and I don't have a good excuse as to why I've been so lazy about my writing. I do, however, have a very lame excuse. Way back when I started this blog a certain someone (::cough::SHANE::cough cough::) said that interesting blogs have pictures. And I certainly did NOT want to have a boring blog so I determined I would not blog unless I had some kind of pictures to go with it.

But the thing is a big fat pain in the rear end to upload pictures for a blog. Or at least for me it is. Getting the pictures onto my computer isn't hard but actually getting them into the blog? That's a challenge. It's time consuming and, frankly, I don't have that kind of time.

So, if it's alright with you all (the small hand full of folks that at least USED to read my blog) I'm going to attempt to blog more often...but there may only occasionally be pictures. Who knows if that will actually encourage me to write more often...but it's worth a shot.

So enough with the excuses and on to what's new in life. The most interesting thing of late is probably that I've joined a gym. Yes, really. I've never really been particularly strong or had much in the way of endurance...but I've decided to work on it. Shane has joined up too (Planet's only 10-freaking-bucks a month!) so I'm hoping that will help me stay motivated. Although at this very moment I'm sitting here on my ass writing a blog fully decked out in my gym attire while Shane is sitting at his desk (most likely looking at Reddit...or however it's spelled) putting off going to the gym. And after a string of going almost every day...I haven't gone in the last three. Uh oh. I must go tonight...I MUST!

So with that...I'm going to try to get my butt in gear. I hope I still have some readers out there...I hope I hope I hope!