Friday, May 16, 2014


Excuse my French but…holy shit.  What a difference 3.5 FREAKING YEARS makes.  Literally most of the major events that will happen to one person over their lifetime have occurred in my life since my last blog post.   To avoid an obscenely long entry and get caught up fast, I’ll do this in a numbered list and pictures. Ok?  Let’s go.

1. Shane and I got engaged.

2. We got a second dog.  Her name is Pepper.

3. I got a new job (no picture for this one…sorry folks).

4. We bought a freaking house (A house that I somehow honestly don’t have pictures of.  Probably for the best.  I don’t want any of you people being able to track me down…creeps).

5. We got married.

6-7. Shane got a new job…and then another new job (no picture for this one either).

8. I got a new job at my current job (i.e. I applied for—and received—a different job at the same organization).

9. I got pregnant.  Yes, it’s Shane’s.

10. Shane and I decided I’d leave my job to take care of our son full time (another pictureless event…I’m not even sure what a picture of that decision would look like).

11. Our little man was born on Christmas day 2013…just two days after my last day of work and one day before my due date.

12. Shane got a new job…and has been to Israel and back for said job and we’re not even a month in yet.  Madness.

It’s probably been the most eventful three and a half years of my entire life…which would explain the lack of time for blogging.  But now I’m back!  Or at least I’m going to try to be back.  I’m making it a personal goal to write an entry at least once a week if for no other reason than to sit down, write, and momentarily break free from the “hamster wheel” that stay-at-home life can occasionally feel like (running around, exerting lots of energy yet somehow feeling like you’re not actually getting anywhere).  Plus it’s fun.  I enjoy story-telling and attempting to be witty, so why not?

I’m not even sure how to end this entry…this is already going very well.  See you next week?  Perhaps?

Oh boy… 


  1. Whew...I am tired just reading it all rapid fire. You have a beautiful life- and an awesome story to tell. I'm glad you are telling it.
