Saturday, February 28, 2009

I win'd!

Woo hoo! I have been bestowed with my very first blog award. It was given to me by my dear friend and coworker Amanda. This "Proximidade" honor is awarded to blogs that "...invest and believe in Proximity; Nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and to be friends. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to 8 bloggers, who must then chose 8 more and include this text into the body of their award."

I'm verklempt! Talk amongst yourselves...

My only problem moving forward with the latter part of this award is that I really only read 4 other blogs...half of the required 8. And I believe three of these bloggers make up 3/4 of my own readers. I am obviously not spending enough time writing or reading here. Regardless...I will pass the torch along to the best of my ability.

First I would like to return the favor to the one who so graciously gave this award to me. Amanda's blog Me, My Dogs, My Life is what inspired me to begin my own blog in the first place. I enjoy it immensely...even though she feels her blog is filled with misery and woe, I feel as though it's all taken with a very good sense of humor. And it's honest! What promotes nearness is relationships more than honesty?

Next I would like to honor Lisa's Artsy Fartsy blog. This blog is an inspiration to me as well. Lisa's use of photos to narrate is wonderful. She also has a very good sense of humor about the everyday ups and downs of life. And I really like the newly minted "What I Love" entries. They're uplifting. :)

Then there's Alan's blog, formerly I'm Alan, eh? now I'm Alan, eh-l-eh-n?. Alan is just smart. Hands down. And he may not pride himself on his fine and upstanding skills in English grammar, but his intelligence really does come through in his writing. Not to mention he also has a very good sense of humor. Do I sense a theme here?

Finally there is the wondrous Cupcakes Take The Cake, with postings from Rachel, Nichelle, and Stacie. I know none of these people personally but I still really enjoy the blog. Anyone that knows me knows that I have an affinity for this darling confection. Seriously though...what's more charming than a cupcake?

1 comment:

  1. I am truly honoured with this award. But I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Just between you, me - and the rest of the internets. I'm almost certainly not as smart as I seem to me and most definitely not as smart as I think I am. Just ask Todd! Seriously, I am flattered.

    I'm also glad that you didn't name 8 other blogs because I'm sure I can't. At least not 8 that honour the concepts of "Proximidade"
