Monday, February 23, 2009

Just Double It

I have a feeling I'm going to have a lot of these cooking/baking blogs considering that my New Year's resolution is to cook more. And, well, when I'm in the kitchen it usually yields some fairly interesting stories.

This weekend's culinary adventure? Chicken pad thai. A dish that both Shane and I like and it seemed a bit more challenging than the other things I've attempted so I decided to just bite the bullet and go for it.

The whole process started off when Shane and I went grocery shopping. We went to an authentic Asian food market (a place called Young's on Park Road in West Hartford) and picked up some of the more unusual ingredients. One of these ingredients was a specific kind of rice noodles. The recipe only called for 8 oz. of the noodles but the store only had 16 oz. packages. Of course we could have just used half of the noodles but, being the smart people that we are, we decided we would make all of the noodles and double everything else. That way we'd have tons of leftovers and we could feed ourselves for days! Genius!

What we failed to think about was the reality of how much food that really was and what would go into making it. The original recipe was supposed to feed the doubled recipe would feed about 8. That's right, 8. That's all of the octomom's babies...if they could eat solid foods. Two pounds of chicken went into that pad thai. The pictures are dark and a bit blurry (I hate how washed out pictures look with the flash on so I deal with it)...but it looked a little something like this...

This is all of the veggie type stuff (minus the chopped peanuts) that went into our delicious meal. A lot of green, right? What we have here is some bean sprouts, green onion, garlic, cilantro, and grated lime peel. Not pictured is the sauce I had to make. It tasted pretty good but making it was not very appetizing...mostly because there was fish sauce in it. Apparently there's fish sauce in a lot of Asian-type food but the stuff on its own smells disgusting. And on top of that I saw how it was made on TV once. You don't want to know...

Here is the two pounds of chicken that I cut up to put into the pad thai. Cutting up raw chicken is gross.

Here is Shane using the kitchen appliance thing that chops up stuff. Yup. He's chopping up the peanuts for the topping. I believe this is the second attempt. The first attempt sort of resulted in what looked like a grainy sort of peanut butter. He got a little over zealous. Also, judging from the look he's giving me in this picture, one might gather that Shane actually hates me. At this point he may have. I don't think he particularly enjoys having his picture taken.

This is the giant mess o' chicken pad thai we made...and you can even see the mess we made of my stove. At one point we couldn't even contain everything in one skillet...we had to temporarily split the mixture into two separate pans. This was probably the biggest problem we ran into with making the recipe doubled.

Here's me getting the bowls. I feel the need to post at least one picture of myself to prove that I was actually

Finished product! It actually looked kinda nice once it was plated...and it didn't taste half bad either! And this allegedly half-hourish recipe took us a whopping two hours. Aw yea.


  1. I have tried to post comments on here multiple times, and it refuses to allow me to. Your blog is almost as stubborn as vendy...I feel very rejected.

    The pad thai was delicious. However, I'm a little upset that our wonderful argument was not mentioned. It was a very important part of the story, and you promised me you would write about it. ;-)

  2. ummm you need to make me that sometime. i love pad thai! you're turning into such a lil chef!
