Sunday, May 31, 2009

Alright Already!

So I've received numerous complaints about the fact that I have not posted any blog entries since I returned from London over a month ago. In the words of the ever articulate Steve Martin: "Well excuuuuuse meeee!!!" But in all honesty I feel very loved and flattered. I'm glad so many people really enjoyed reading my blogs and now miss them.

In response I am, as you can see, writing a blog. However I want to apologize in advance for a lack of pictures, which is really want has been preventing me from blogging. I like to include pictures whenever possible and I was 1) feeling lazy about taking and downloading some relevant ones and 2) a certain Shane Beatty has abducted my camera and refuses to return it. SO I am going to do my best to locate some pics available on the internets and include those. Here we go...a summary of the notable, blog-worthy events that have occured within the last month+:

I surrvied the trip back from London.

If you know me, you know this is huge. How I survived two 6-7 hour flights is beyond me. I think it must have been the lovely screens in the back of each seat that provided endless entertainment to distract me in-flight. I love you Virgin Airlines.

I was in YPCCA's production of High School Musical.

Aw. Yeah. It was actually a lot of fun and I got to work with some very talented and fun teenagers. Yes, the words "talented," "fun," and "teenagers" can be used in the same sentence without the word "not." Man, was it great to be on stage again. There's nothing like the rush of the curtain call. Walking out onto that stage and hearing the applause. The last show was particularly amazing. It was like I had my own personal fan club in the audience. The minute I walked on stage for the first time, before even say ANYTHING, there was an erruption of applause and cheering. Does wonders for a girl's ego.

I went and saw Shane's friend Jerry at Foxwoods.

So much fun! Seriously...what a great evening. Shane got to play Blackjack AND he even won enough money to cover our outrageously expensive steak dinner at Prime! And, of course, Jerry was wonderful. I laughed so wonderfully hard. I need to give Shane a special shout-out now because one of the best parts of this evening is that I did not pay a dime for any of it. And it wasn't even my birthday! Isn't he sweet? A group "awwwwww" would be appropriate now. :)

I went to see Spring Awakening in Boston with Amanda.

Indeed, this show was shocking to say the least, but I actually really enjoyed it. It had this great sort of "f-you authority" feel to it that gets the inner rebel in me going. Yes, I have an inner rebel. Shut up. For those of you who have seen it I particularly enjoyed the character Moritz. For those of you who haven't seen it, he's the kid with the crazy hair in all of the ads (on the lower right of the above picture). He made me laugh and he made me cry. So good. AND on top of it all I got to hang out with Amanda. Always a good time.

I went to see Coldplay with Hillary.

This was easily one of the best concerts I have ever been to. I can't even really explain it...the music was amazing, the performance itself was great, the energy was intense, and the visuals were unbelievable. If you like Coldplay and haven't seen them in concert before I would HIGHLY recommend it. This is the second time I've seen them and this time was even better than the first. A special shout-out to Hillary now because she purchased my ticket for me as a VERY early birthday present. For this, among many other reasons, Hillary rocks.

In summary:

April and May 2009 were possibly two of the best months of my entire life. Really, 2009 so far has been one of the best years of my entire life. I feel so incredibly fortunate to be experiencing the things I'm experiencing and, on top of that, to have such generous and loving people in my life that make it possible for me to experience it all. The gratitude and happiness I feel is absolutely immeasurable. I could not ask for more. <3

So, after a long respite, I believe I have provided a bang-up entry for you all to read. And if you are indeed reading this, comment will you?! I'm more motivated to post if I know people are reading and commenting is one of the best ways to let me know you'd like me to write more. You know who you are. ;)


  1. My favorite part about this post is the shout-out to me.

  2. You forgot to mention your awesome BBCS luncheon at Wood-n-Tap. That has to have also contributed to your very amazing make-me-jealous April/May.

  3. finally! and you could have taken pics from my facebook to add to this but das ok. UR THE BEST TOO! i had such a good time at coldplay... especially since it was with you. there was a huge cheering your last nite of HSM? who was that? i know i screamed for you haha.
