Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Little Things

I promise this story has a point...bear with me.

As many people know, Shane and I have been doing our best NOT to buy lunch at work every day. And we've been doing a pretty good job! For at least a few weeks we've been making each other peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day and saving our pennies as best we can. But as time went on those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches got so old I could barely stomach them anymore. Using chunky peanut butter helped change things up a bit for a little while...but soon I wanted to gag when I even THOUGHT about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

So we decided to make a change once again and bought some cold cuts and cheese last night. I made a couple sandwiches and brought them into work for us.

My God. I swear to you it tasted like the best sandwich I've ever eaten in my entire life. It had been so long since I had cold cuts straight from the deli...not from Subway or Quiznos or Blimpie. And we got rolls instead of regular bread...mmmmm. When I was done with it I wished it wasn't over.

It just goes to show what a deep appreciation one develops for the little things in life when one is deprived of those things. Ever since I've really buckled really REALLY...and started desperately trying to save money so that I don't go completely broke my appreciation for so many things has deepened. Anything clothes, shoes, or whatever. I rarely go shopping now so when I do, it's like a special treat. Money itself...when I'm able to get a deal on something and not spend so much money it's like a huge victory. And of course...lunch meat.

*Picture borrowed from the Internets. Thank you, Internets.*

Glorious. I am oh so grateful for those little things in life. They bring me such joy.


  1. That picture is frightening and messes with my eyes for some reason. But yay for yummy sandwiches!

  2. Ha ha ha ha! Really? I'm curious...what about it messes with your eyes? Is it the perspective? I didn't notice it until now but it sort of looks 3-dimensional and flat all at the same time...kind of like a Picasso painting.

  3. The food is so very bright and shiny in that picture. It's almost threatening. Hm. But good for you for being frugal and enjoying little things!
    p.s. I posted another blog, in case you are interested. It is very long.
