But anyway, now that I have that off my chest, on with the story! I haven't blogged in far too long so I'm going to make this a good one. Fasten your seat-belts.
This past Wednesday and Thursday night Shane and I were baking up a storm. His boss's 50th birthday was just around the corner and he was charged with making some delicious birthday treats for him. So we picked out a recipe for my brand-spankin'-new cupcake cookbook. We couldn't make just any old box cupcakes for this occasion! We selected the Lemon Coconut Snowballs and got down to business. Here is how the events played out...
Tuesday evening: I had dinner with my aunt (Who just invited me to go to London with her in April! YAY! More blogging on this is sure to follow...) and was telling her about my baking plans for the week. She drew my attention to the fact that I may want to spread my baking over the course of two nights since I hadn't yet gone shopping for the ingredients and we had cake, frosting, and lemon filling to make. This would likely take a bit of time. I could do the grocery shopping and cake part on Wednesday night and the frosting and lemon filling on Thursday to have everything ready to go for Friday. I am sooooo glad I heeded her advice. We would have been up all night on Thursday if we hadn't spread things out.
Wednesday evening: After a day of being stuck in the house because of the snowstorm, I ventured out to Stop and Shop with Shane to pick up the ingredients for our cupcakes. We were able to easily find almost everything...until this stupid little jar proceed to evade us for what seemed like at least 20 minutes...
What the hell is "cream of tartar" anyway??!?! We called both of our mothers (Shane couldn't reach his and mine wasn't completely sure where to find it...we had been staring at the spices section for some time and were insistent that it wasn't there and that was the only place she could think of it being), looked in every imaginable area we could think of, and then Shane discovered, via his handy dandy Blackberry, that McCormick makes it. It had to be in the spices section. Upon returning to that area for the umpteenth time we, of course, found it immediately. Oops...sorry mom.
Then it was time to go to Target. The recipe required the use of a sifter and I didn't have one. So I ran in and got one, along with a double boiler that could be used, optionally, for the frosting (Why not? If I'm going to get into this baking thing I'll use it again and it wasn't all that expensive.) and some little paper cupcake tin liners because they only had foil ones at Stop and Shop and I didn't like those. I'm very particular about these things.
We then returned to my house, made the cake part of the cupcakes, then put them in the refrigerator until we could fill and frost them on Thursday. We were able to complete all of this by around 10 of 9...just in time for LOST. PHEW!
Thursday evening: I had a doctor's appointment after work and Shane was planning on getting dinner with his Dad so we were going to be getting a little bit of a late start on the rest of the cupcake making activities. My doctor's appointment went a little longer than I expected and Shane was going to beat me to my house so, very unintelligently, I was hurrying home. Keep in mind that there was just a snow and ice storm the day before. Just a mile or two away from my house a car stopped abruptly to allow the car in front of it to turn left. I proceeded to almost slide right into the back of said car but opted to run into an icy snow bank on the side of the road instead. And got stuck there. Stupid front wheel drive. Fortunately a couple very nice passers by stopped to help me and, of course, after I called Shane he rushed to my aid as well. A couple shovels and firm shoves later I was out of the snow and back on my way. But not without some battle wounds...
Back at the house we got to work making the filling and frosting for the cupcakes. Well...Shane mostly got to work while I frantically tried to do dishes and clean up around the kitchen just so we could have some working space. Typically I would have done this earlier but I just didn't have time. I had the camera out this night too so we were able to snap some more pictures...
Aaaannnddd...(drum roll please)...THE FINISHED PRODUCT!
Mmmmm...much blood, sweat and tears went into these cupcakes. Anything for Al's big 5-0!