Several months ago Shane and I decided we wanted to go on a little road trip again but this time we'd be heading North instead of South (like we did last year when we went to Washington D.C.). We planned to visit the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY and then head on up to Niagara Falls. It's been a long road between then and now but we made it and we're on the road once again! Enjoy the photos from the first leg of our trip below...which included a stop at Howe Caverns...these awesome underground caves in New York.
As you can see, we're clearly elated...
Halfway the drive to Howe Caverns, our friend Snoopy decided to ride up front with me.
Before long we reached Howe Caverns...
Even though it's warm out we had to come equipped with jackets because it's only about 52 degrees in the caverns. By the end of our spelunking my nose was actually running because of the cold. Here's a lovely picture Shane took of a wall with several different colors of calcite on it. We had one of those touristy picture-in-a-cardboard-frame pictures taken in front of this wall. They took the picture without an obligation to buy it...but I liked it so we did. I'm such a sucker.
Here's our very own version of a picture of us in the cardboard frame necessary...
Here's me at "the bridal alter," which is an area where they actually perform wedding ceremonies underground. The slab in the floor that I'm standing on is a heart shape that was cut out of the rock. Legend says that if a single person stands on the heart, they'll be married within a year. I couldn't push the little kids out of the way fast enough. HA! ;)
(Those kids were quite annoying too...middle school aged boys from the looks of things. You can see one in the background of the picture above. There wasn't a moment that went by without them making ridiculous amounts of noise. And their chaperons were hardly doing anything about it. Sheesh...)
And here is the last part...I think it was called "the winding way" or something like that. It was a super narrow passage way through the rock. Very high...but very...very...narrow. Surprisingly, little old claustrophobic me did not have a complete mental breakdown. Shane was reassuring me almost the entire time though...
(Photos courtesy of Shane and his brand-spanking-new camera. Lovely.)
After leaving the caverns we drove about an hour through the upstate New York countryside (and believe me...that's all there is up here), saw several cows and horses, and are now resting up at the hotel before heading out to see Iron Man 2. :) Tomorrow we're on to the Baseball Hall of Fame...and who knows what else!
weee! cool pics! i'll keep watching for updates!